The child moved to my bad neighborhood
It simply sit and look so good
I will not go to school and learn to read and write
is just around the house and play rock and roll all night
Well, put some tacks on teachers chair
Place the rubber girl hair
Now, Junior, you have
The purchase of each book rock and roll in the stand of the journal
Every penny that is received is lost to the jukebox man
Well worry his master until the night she is willing to back
From the spinning wheel and a rocking in a hoop
rock and roll Well, it must stop
Junior head is hard as a rock
Now, Junior, you have
Go tell your mother to do better what you said
To the hairdresser and cut the hair of his head
Launched the canary and gave the neighbors cat
You gave the cocker spaniel a bath in the laundry room of his mother
Well, the head of the mother must stop
Junior head is hard as a rock
Now, Junior, you have
(Entrada número 18 en el proyecto Babel Beatles)