For the love of God
I Hippy Hippy
Yes, I shook
Oh, shocking Hippy Hippy
I can not stand
With Hippy Hippy
Yes, I already answered
With Hippy Hippy
Yes, it's in the bag
The Hippie Hippie
Well, now goes to the left
Right Shake
You can move Hippy Shake
With all your might, oh, baby
Yes, Let's Rock
Oh, he's in the bag
The Hippie Hippie
Well, now goes to the left
Right Shake
You can move Hippy Shake
With all your might, oh, baby
Yes, Let's Rock
Woah, it’s in the bag
The Hippie Hippie
The Hippie Hippie
The Hippie Hippie
(Entrada número 80 en el proyecto Babel Beatles)